What To Expect from Life Coaching

Our first life coaching session is free by phone or internet connection. We will talk about your interests and expectations in having a life coach, my methods and expectations, and decide if we want to move forward from there.


If we decide to work together, I will provide you with a questionnaire to complete to gather your basic information and begin your coaching journey. I will also provide you with a life coaching contract which defines our expectations of each other, including a payment agreement and a contact agreement. 

Each coaching session can be scheduled for up to 60 minutes. In each session, we will discuss your goals, evaluate your progress, identify any barriers you have encountered, make a plan toward overcoming those barriers, and plan your next steps. We will talk about the feelings that you are having about your journey, resources that you need along the way, and the support you would like from me. At the end of each session, we will create an action plan for you to follow until our next session. I will ask you to keep a journal of your sessions (I will also keep notes) and to record your progress, thoughts, barriers, needs, and successes along your journey.


Cost for Life Coaching


With me, life coaching is affordable!

If you decide to move forward, we will decide together how much you will pay for your coaching sessions and how you will provide payment. I will work with your budget, and we will decide on payment based on your income and resources. You may choose to pay via Venmo, CashApp, PayPal, card (Square), or cash (for in person sessions). How many sessions you have with me and the frequency of those sessions is up to you. You may decide on having sessions by phone, Skype, email, or other communication method that works for both of us.


Life coaches typically charge about $200 to $1,000 per month for a 30- to 60-minute call three or four times a month. That works out to between $50 to $250 per session. I want to work with you where you are, based on your income, and being mindful of the value of life coaching. Think carefully about what you truly feel you can afford to pay, and I will work within your budget. I really want my service to be available to anyone who truly needs my help and is willing to work hard to change their life.

In person sessions are also available.